Saturday, June 4, 2011

My favorite Christian Songs

Whenever I have chores to do (which is fairly often) I always get out my ipod and listen to music. Because of personal beliefs I rarely listen to secular music so I listen to Christian music.  Some of my favorite songs are:
-You're Beautiful (Phil Wickham)
-Constant (Charlie Hall)
-Our God (Chris Tomlim)
-Mighty to Save (Michael W. Smith)
-What Faith Can Do (Kutless)
-Marvelous Light (Charlie Hall)
-Amazing Grace (John Newton)
-In Christ Alone (Keith Getty)

1 comment:

  1. Listening to Christian music is really relaxing. Like you, I listen it to it whenever I have tons of chores to do and I need to build a placid mood around me. I also listen to it when I'm feeling down and negative emotions are all over me; it's been very helpful. =)

    Dalene Croff
